Welcome to the

Building a sustainable future.

Competition Overview

Your Future

Welcome to the SMART Competition

In a world increasingly dependent on energy efficiency, sustainability, redesign and reuse, the SMART Competition invites university and high school students to become part of the solution.  Student teams will have the opportunity to use professionally available design software to create their sustainability solution while also having access to international experts who will support their efforts as mentors and sponsors.

Teams are comprised of 3 to 4 students, an educator sponsor, and a technical professional serving as a mentor.  Teams may register for the competition at any time.  Registered teams create their individualized competition schedule, typically 1-3 months in duration.  Any type of school, in any country, is eligible to participate.

There are two competition sessions per year.  Registration for Session 1 ends on February 15.  Judging for Session 1 is from April 1 – May 7.  Registration for Session 2 ends on July 15.  Judging for Session 2 is from October 15 – November 7.

Teams are scored as they complete the competition deliverables.  Periodically the teams are judged, making their  presentations using Internet-based video technology.  Teams will discuss all competition deliverables with the panel of subject matter expert judges.  Annually SMART recognizes the top teams that have completed the judging process.

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Featured Sponsor

Say Hello to Bentley Education!

These Bentley competitions are inviting passionate students like you to create innovative ideas work on real-world infrastructure issues!

Future Infrastructure Star Challenge

We are thrilled to announce the winners of FISC

Region: global
Discipline: engineering, architecture
Learn more: https://education.bentley.com/FISC

Digital Twin Design Challenge

Build a Minecraft structure for the real world!

Region: global
Discipline: architectural and engineering
Submission Last Date: Mar 31st, 2022
Learn More:

News & Announcements

Scientists develop stable sodium battery technology

Scientists develop stable sodium battery technology

Replacing lithium and cobalt in lithium-ion batteries would result in a more environmentally and socially conscious technology, scientists say. Toward that end, University of Texas at Austin researchers, funded in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation, have...

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The past, the present and the future of Women in BIM

The past, the present and the future of Women in BIM

Rebecca De Cicco, global chair and founder of Women in BIM, discusses the group’s evolution over the past decade – and what lies ahead as it supports women across the globe to become part of a digital-first industry Digital impacts everything we do – from the homes we...

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Educators & Teams

Register your Student Team to participate in the SMART Competition.


Mentors provide subject matter knowledge, design support and overall project guidance.


Being involved as a judge can be a rewarding and challenging endeavor.


The Smart Competition provides many opportunities for individuals to become involved.



Getting Started


Competition Rules


Key Dates