Effective project management can be considered a partnering of Stephen Covey’s book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” (Habits #1, #2 and #3) and Simon Sinek’s “Start With Why”.
Covey said that you need to anticipate issues, prioritize actions, and establish clear goals. Sinek’s approach is to state your vision and values, then develop the details of how and what is needed to accomplish and implement your vision and goals.
Successful projects have similar attributes
- States what needs to be accomplished
- Identifies the resources required
- Creates a timeline that can be followed
- Celebrates wins
- Holds team members accountable for their responsibilities
Like other professional certifications (Professional Engineer – P.E., Certified Public Accountant – CPA, Cisco Certified Network Associate – CCNA, etc.), project managers can obtain a certification through the Project Management Institute (PMI) as a Project Management Professional (PMP)®.
The SMART Competition provides three tools that will impact your success in the competition
- Project Logbook – a record of project related day-to-day activities. The Logbook is a continuous record about what worked, any corrective actions taken or suggested, research notes, “to do” items, changes, contacts, etc.
- Bentley ProjectWise – A tool within the Bentley software that tracks the progress of specific team actions throughout the project. ProjectWise helps the team manage, share and distribute communications and ideas to all of the team members.
- Bentley SYNCHRO Scheduler – a full project management tool. SYNCHRO Scheduler enables teams to create your schedule including all task descriptions, time durations, and logistics. The SYNCHRO Scheduler can calculate start and finish dates and the Critical Path items for your project.
Free Download Bentley Systems SYNCHRO Scheduler
Scheduling in Synchro Scheduler – Introduction video
SYNCHRO Scheduling – Tutorial 1 – Getting Started & The Basics