Competition Roles

Educator/Academic Leader/Team Facilitator
The individual who is acting as the Educator/Academic Leader/Team Facilitator serves as the sponsor, coordinator and primary contact person between the team(s) and the competition.   They are also responsible for monitoring the activities of the team, helping to identify and obtain necessary resources and ensuring the timely conveyance of competition deliverables.

An Educator/Academic Leader/Team Facilitator may serve in this role for more than one team at a time.

To register your team now,

Student team members
The completion has two divisions: University and High School.  Team members must fall within the age group associated with the division in which that team is competing.  The University Division is offered to undergraduate students only.  The High School Division, for the purpose of the Competition, are in grade levels defined as 9th through 12th grades. High school is defined internationally as a pre-university level program.

Teams must be comprised of 3 or 4 student members.

Teams can originate from universities or high schools (public, private, home-based, parochial or charter) or educational organizations such as science clubs or special interest programs.

Student Project Manager
This student participant establishes an overall schedule for each team activity, tracks progress of each deliverable and maintains a record of all completed items. This is not a required position but rather is an example of a best practice that can improve the quality and timeliness of the teams’ overall performance.

Mentors are professionals who will work with the teams to guide their efforts by providing subject matter knowledge, design support and overall project guidance.  The mentor cannot directly be involved in the actual creation and construction of the competition deliverables.  A mentor should expect to work with the students 8-10 hours per month over the course of the competition.
