The SMART Competition is recognizing Mission College Prep Catholic School and Teacher-sponsor Ms. Nancy Alcombright for Educational Excellence in this year’s competition.  Ms. Alcombright had a record six teams participating in this year’s competition.  Two of the six teams finished the required deliverables and made their team presentations earlier this week.  One of the teams won 2nd Place and another won Honorable Mention in the global competition.

According to Michael Andrews, Managing Partner of Andrews & Associates and one of the competition founders, “Ms. Alcombright, the other school administrators, IT staff and other team supporters should be proud of what the students accomplished, learned, shared and imagined.”

Mark Schneider, a co-founder of the SMART Competition and Bentley Systems Technical Director, Integrated Lifecycle Solutions said the “students exceeded the learning objectives of the program.  The student teams that made their presentations demonstrated an understanding of energy, sustainability, collaboration and problem solving”.

Ms. Alcombright also provided competition organizers with student feedback that will be used in next year’s competition.

Student Teams Competing in the Global Finals

2nd Place winter of the SMART Competition
Grace Cegelski
Makenna Parkinson
Lani Kross
Hannah Ellingen
Avery Munster
Mentor– Dave Parkinson
Honorable Mention
Emile Naccasha
Sam Li
Alex Ramey
Luke Llaurado
Mentor – Craig Merrilees

Other Participating Student teams

Aryanna Ferdinandi
Marin Thyrring
Max Valentine
Connor Torelle
Mentor – Catlin Mattheis
Kai Janowicz
Theodore Lindquist
Wesley Weisenberger
Robert Lammert
Mentor– Scott Therien
Patty Clark
Kyle Park
Jenna Miller
Mentor– Bryce Cape
Elizabeth Najera-Flores
Gabby Trevison
Jessica Nino
Cameron Stout
Jenna Kelly
Mentor– Tom Bensky

Some of the design changes they made ranged from rotating the building to utilize a modified roof design and adding better shade trees to reduce the heat gain in the building.  The also improved the efficiency of the HVAC system by using water source heat pump systems and introducing an efficient saltwater battery system to the campus.

In addition to team member awards, the school will receive a $500 donation to support its STEM and CTE programs from Bentley Systems.

The SMART Competition ( is a STEM and Career and Technology Education (CTE) education program that provides high school students with a practical real-world design challenge that addresses sustainability, green design, localized power generation, architecture, the environment and the community.  The competition is open to all high school students who attend public, private, parochial, charter and home-based schools or participate in informal education programs.  The competition is designed to attract all students without regard or bias of gender, race, socio-economic or academic performance level.

For additional information, contact Mike Andrews,